Phase 1 - What Is A Break In Music?

Taking on many different forms in music, learn why the Break is such an effective part of your song's structure.

Rule: Break The Pattern!

Musical Break -

A Break is a section of your song structure that "interrupts" your song's expected pattern. Your brain easily recognizes patterns, so any pattern that suddenly changes is instantly memorable and entertaining.

A Break may be an instrument solo or drum interlude, or it simply may be brief moment of silence for the singer/rapper while the main melody continues to play.

Breaks are pretty short - usually 1 to 2 bars in length (i.e. 1-2 counts of 4 beats for a common pop song) - and can come before, after or in-between any section of your song.

Multiple Breaks, Multiple Uses

You can have more than one Break spread across your song.

And because Breaks are pretty small and can often be a perfect snippet of a song's full melody, a Break also can be sampled & looped to create a completely new sound called a "Break Beat" or "Break Music".

This is a very popular technique in hip-hop music.  The sampled Break can be sped up or slowed own, or its tone increased or lowered, to create a completely new melody for a new song.

And it doesn't need to end there, because new Breaks can be sampled from songs that were originally created from past Break Beats to make newer songs.

How to Structure Your Song Breaks

Let's jump into a few rules and examples for structuring your Breaks. Join my free training group to learn everything about Song Breaks.

Learn to write great songs like your favorite hits from the radio and train to become a great songwriter in four steps:

  1. lyric writing lessons - Seed Method for Writing Song Lyrics Download my free 6-step exercise manual to prepare your lyrical content for structuring. Having your song lyric fully fleshed-out before piecing it together is important.

  2. Learn important skills and tips about each song section not taught in music theory class to get the most out of using the Song Structure Vault to structure your next song.

  3. Follow audio & video songwriting lessons to complete your training.

  4. Also, as a member get exclusive deals on all professional songwriting tools & courses offered on this website.

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- Jeezy

Updated: April 3, 2020

Are you making a hip-hop song? If so, do you have any favorite loops or break beats? Post in the comments below.

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