Phase 1 - learneverythingabout.comMusic Supervisor
(Music Supervision Jobs)

A music supervisor cues the music -

Music supervision is the art of adding songs to visual media in a unique way that makes the media much more emotional, memorable and more enjoyable for the audience.

Music supervisors (also called coordinators & directors) are hired by film & TV producers and video game designers to add the music to the project.

Imagine if your favorite TV show, movie, video game didn't have the background songs (called soundtracks) you're so familiar with.

Would you still feel the same about them? Do you think they would stir the same emotions inside you when you watched or experienced them?

As a music supervisor you're responsible for *everything* music-related for the project including:

And because you'll be responsible for spending roughly 5% of a project's budget gathering or creating songs that can either make or break a project, you report directly to the project's director or producer to make sure you're following his/her vision.

So Let Us Begin.

If you're still at the beginning stages of trying to learn how to write great songs then join my training group.

Let's first learn how to write great songs like your favorite hits from the radio and train to become a great songwriter in four steps, and then be guided though building your music business:

  1. lyric writing lessons - Seed Method for Writing Song Lyrics Download my free 6-step exercise manual to prepare your lyrical content for structuring. Having your song lyric fully fleshed-out before piecing it together is important.

  2. Learn important skills and tips about each song section not taught in music theory class to learn how to structure your next song.

  3. Follow audio & video songwriting lessons to complete your training.

  4. Also, as a member get exclusive deals on all professional songwriting tools & courses offered on this website.

In a few weeks you'll have access to everything you need to start writing great songs. You've already taken the first step by searching for this info.

And reading this complete article proves you are passionate about entering the music business. So take the next step. There's no cost to join and no obligation to stay.

But you need to join now because space is limited.


IMPORTANT: After you register, check your spam folder if you don't get a confirmation email within a few minutes.

- Jeezy

Updated: April 4, 2020

What do you think? Do you want to be a music supervisor? Post in the comments below.

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